Estd: 1962  

Reg. No: F-16(OSM)

Maharashtra Education Society's

  महाराष्ट्र उदयगिरी महाविद्यालय  

Maharashtra Udayagiri Mahavidyalaya

NAAC 'A' Grade           



: Department of English :

   The Department of English started in 1962. The first Head of the department was Prof. E. Sreenivasam. Initially for ten years only UG classes were held but in 1972 the department got grant-in-aid for PG courses also. Since then, the department has flourished vibrating with enthusiastic members of the department and the students. Though the intake capacity of the two-year post-graduate English Course was just 80, it had always been increased on request basis to the university.

   The successive Heads of the Department: Prof. Potdar, Dr. R.M Sangewar, Prof. V.G. Karkhane, Prof. S.N. Bokil, Prof. K.V Ramdas and Dr. S.R. Nagori (Lakhotiya) at present.

Courses offered:

Name of the course/ Subject


Intake capacity


3 Years

120 / division

M.A. English

2 years


Certificate Course in Communication Skills

1 year


Functional English

3 years


Features of the department :

  • The English Club: The club enhances the confidence, stage-courage and overall personality of the students. The meetings of the club are held once a week.

  • CERTIFICATE COURSE IN COMMUNICATION SKILLS: The Department runs a certificate course in communication skills under COP( Career Oriented Programme) by UGC. The first year students of any faculty can enroll himself for this course.

  • ACTIVE ENGLISH VOCABULARY PACKAGE: The package benefits the students for upgrading their English vocabulary. They learn three new words everyday and their usage in a conversational pattern on the screen.

  • ENGLISH NEWS CHANNEL: The department screens the English news channels for the students to keep themselves updated with the current knowledge.

  • INSPIRATIONAL LITERATURE LIBRARY: The department has also maintained a collection of inspirational books library.

  • LITERARY ASSOCIATION: It aims at enhancing their interests in literature through guest lectures, literary quiz and several allied activities.

  • SET/NET COACHING CENTRE: NET/SET coaching is rendered throughout the year to the PG students under NET/SET coaching UGC Scheme.



  • ENGLISH ONE-ACT PLAYS: The students of the department stage an English one-act-play every year in the annual social gathering.


A) SET/NET Passed students:

Kokane G.G,  Masure Jeevan, Mundhe A.U., Patil Vishnu, Mannikar P.M, Haseeb Ahemad, R.M. Mududge, S.M. Suryawanshi, Jadhav Nandkumar, Bedre R.T

 B) University merit list:

S No Name University Rank Year
1 Mr Mannikar P. M. First M/A 1999
2 Mr. Belure R. T. Second M/A 1999
3 Miss Reena Kausar Mirza Second M/A 2000
4 Mr. Rawale V. S. First M/A 2001
5 Mr. Mundhe A. S. Second M/A 2001
6 Mr. Lamture S. A. Second  

Teaching Faculty:

Name Qualification No. of M.Phil/Ph.D. awarded No. of M.Phil./Ph.D. enrolled
M.A., Ph.D.    
Mr. R. M. Mududge M.A., SET, M. Phil.    
Mr. S. M. Suryawanshi M.A. B.Ed., SET, M.Phil.    
Mr. K. R. Gavane M.A.    
Mr. A. U. Munde M.A.    
Mr. P. V. Ambesange M.A.    
Ms. J. D. Sampale M.A.    

Research Projects:

Name of the Principal Investigator Title of the Project Funding Agency Duration Amount (Rs.)

Final   Report

Mr. S. M. Suryawanshi

Role of Multimedia in English Language and Literature UGC 2010-2013 65000/-

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